Psychoanalysis is the method guiding my therapeutic work. It is supported by ongoing research in different fields such as attachment (Bowlby, Target, Fonagy), self psychology (Kohut), the motivational systems theory (Lichtenberg, Lachmann, Fosshage), infant research (Stern), neurobiology and trauma research.
Empathic-introspective exploration is the pathway opened up by self psychology. Empathy enables the therapist to gain a broad and deep understanding of the subjective experiences expressed by the analysand, no matter whether these experiences seem to be incoherent or even contradictory. The exploration of the modes of perception, the experiences and actions of the patient are crucial to psychoanalytic therapy.
The Self is a complex organization of relational experiences, expectations and needs. These have evolved from the infant-caregiver-interaction during the early stages of childhood. They shape attachment patterns which unfold their influence throughout an individual's life and shape our relationships, sometimes causing emotional disorders of a frequency and intensity that indicate a need for a therapy. These patterns surface in the therapeutic relationship between the analysand and the therapist - but this will not happen in a detached and descriptive way but with forceful immediacy and urgency. This is the result of transference (enactment), an emotional process between the patient and therapist.
The Motivational Systems Theory (J.F. Lichtenberg) organizes my therapeutic perception and guides my therapeutic interventions. Motivational systems comprise the regulation of physiological need; attachment and affiliation; exploration and self assertiveness; aversive antagonism and withdrawal; sensual pleasure and sexual excitement; care giving.